Saturday 4 January 2014

Middle Earth

You the title right???
I love to live in here, Middle Earth.. It's a very grateful place with green fields and lot of foods, trees and full with hobbiton houses...

Can you guys tell me why you love middle earth? In comment below

Me? I'm a new one, i was know lord of the rings for the first rime is on last year.. Maybe some of you will say" you're too lat to love it" but yeah i love the way i look at it... I was born on the first movie LOTR the fellowship Of the rings on cinema, so i don't watch it... But on last year (2013) i watch it and i'm fallin love with that movie ♡♡♡ and i try to watch the hobbit.. the first time i saw that movie i feel this is not as good as LOTR cause i'm lookin for legolas as my favorite character in LOTR... There's no Legolas so I DON'T LIKE IT! *note: i've never read the hobbit book for anytime so i tought that there's legolas on that srory

But then i follow some lotr fans account on instagram, and then when november 2013 arrives, they're very noisy about the hobbit, now is 12-13-13 the desolation of smaug on cinema!! Si i decided to watchin that movie, it's just freakin awesome!!! I tought now i'm fallin love with the hobbit *not only because legolas on DoS
I love Kili Fili so much, they're like Mery and Pippin on LOTR!!

Now i'm waiting for There And Back Again ♡♡♡
Thx for everyone who read this, give away your comment below



Someone know yehet???
Yehet tuh kayak yehey sebenernya.. mungkin buat EXO'sfan *digaploksayahsalahnulis pasti udh taulah itu kata2 yg akhir2 ini diucapin our magnae yaitu...

THEHUN *diacadel's'

Klo nonton EXO SHOWTIME pasti denger dia ngucapin 'yehet' waktu abis menang makan ayam sama pas ketemu bangKAI ...

CUKUP SEKIAN DARI SAYAHHH;* salam buat semuanya yakk dari Kyuhyun ohmaman!!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Superhero or romance

Superhero... They're save this world even they are not real, they have a superpower that makes everyone thinks that they're real...

But there is a real superhero, that's my family...

Now, i want to ask you, you like a romance or superhero movie? [Comment it on this post ^^]

Actually i loved superhero movie, they are not real but their soul is real... they are good looking too #chrisevans chrishemsworth tom hiddleston henry cavill RDJ jeremy renner etc.

I loved marvel than dc... marvel has a real history about their superhero.. But when we see a romance movie,,, sometimes it's just makes me jealous...

So that's what i think about that...

We were born to be REAL not to be PERFECT

That quotes.... AWESOME

Kalian dilahirkan untuk menjadi 'real' diri kalian.. kalian tidak dituntut untuk menjadi orang yang 'perfect' di segala hal... Bahkan seorang model yg dipuja puja karena kesempurnaannya pun memiliki 'dark side' di dirinya...

Let's talk seriously, menurutku kalian cobalah agar dapat mencintai atau membanggakan diri kalian sendiri dulu... Jangan melihat orang lain, lihatlah diri sendiri.... There's no PERFECT on this earth. So, apakah kita harus perfect disegalanya???

That's a choice, i can't choosed your choice is... And it's up to you. You can be a real who you are,, or become perfect even it's not real...

Cho Muthi Greenleaf Malik Stark Rogers Kent

Better than before

Hello, my name is Muthi I’m from 7th Aurum, Sekolah Alam Indonesia. I would like to tell you about my speech. The theme is move on.

What is move on? For me move on is like going to change our life from bad to good, good to be better, better to be the best. There’s no limit for move on, because every day we are moving on from learned to be better than before. I hope every person think of move on in the right way. Move on can change everything in a right way. Move on is like hijrah that makes something new in the right way.

Move on is not easiest as you see or think. We have to move on, there’s so much things that we have to fix it. First, if we want to move we have to start with change our way of think and probably with our self. John Ronald Reuer Tolkien says, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future”. When I read that quotes I think we can change this world and makes a better future with move on starts from NOW. There’s so much problems in this worlds that have to be fixed. Polar bear, they lost their home when the ice is floating because of global warming that makes by human. In Somalia they’re fighting for the food and keep survive between dead or alive. And in Indonesia we’re fighting to makes our country richer than before.  Makes our country’s resources not ‘steeling’ by another country.

I want this move on will be come true… Let’s Move on! Let’s change our future start from NOW!

Rounded Rectangle: Khansa Muthi’ah 
7th Aurum
Sekolah Alam Indonesia

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Non never ending stop

Wokehh sekarang ketemu lagihh sama sayahh yang ketjehh bangett vj dj tj #absurd -_- Sekarang nih aku pengen cerita tentang diriku yg tersesat dan tak tahu ada tempe #lahh Jadi nih cerite tentang aku pas kelas 5 nihh sekarang aku msh kelas 7.... Jadi aku tuh skolah di Sekolah Alam Indonesia makanya ada kegiatan yg namanya outing, kebetulan pas aku kls 5 outingnya k Bengkulu ...

Okeh kita mulai!!! Jadi sebetulnya nih kejadian tuh pas hari ke 2 di Bengkulu, jd tuh kt skls lg di Pusat Konservasi Gajah Seblat. Jadi tuh haru itu kita mau trekking sejauh 5 km tp namanya dihutan jd serasa lemoootttt banget kayak internet *backsound* #beep nah sebelum trekking ada penghibur dari guruku sendiri namanya *beep ehh loh kok kyk pelaku kekerasan yakk -_- nah namanya tuh pak d sama pak w *inisial jadi guru guru itu make sanblok dpn 3 murid cewek coba,,, trus makenya udah kayak mau difacial selama 1 jampadahal kita yg cewek aja gk sampe gitu gitu banget daahhh.... Lanjut ke TKP, jd setelah kejadian sanblok ituhh kita trekking melewati hutan sumatra yang indah nan menawan dan cetarr membahnahhh... nah singkat cerita kita sampelah di sebuah savana yang keereeen sumpahhh sampe bilang aku bergumam dlm hati,"pengen banget ngeliat pemandangan ini lagi". Setelah melewati.savanahh kita beristirahat di sungai yang berukuran sedang. Disana banyak pacet + kodok kecil hii #biasaajakalee-_- Pokoknya abis dari sungai kita lanjoot kembali ke PKG nya. Di perjalanan pulang aku ngeliat semut sebesar kira2 dua ruas jari orang dewasa, karena gk biasa liat itu di JKT48 #lohh krn gk aa di Jakarta jadi aku rada terkejut gitu dehhh... This Is The End, haha   -_- nahh akhirnya kite tuh kembali k PKG setelah melalui perjalanan selama total 6jaman *hah .-. Yah pokoknya INI CERITAKU, APA CERITAMU ??? Ilklan #neverforget

Sunday 1 September 2013

Become Who You Were Born To Be

Maybe some of you know says "dihh,,, judulnya panjang banget trus pake emoticon like this -_-"... Yahh pokoknya aku mau jelasin aja seberapa besar makna dibalik kata itu... Ya mari kita mulai, first. kalimat ini berasal dari sebuah film favoriteku,,, ada yang tau?? yahh masa gak tau?? kudet lo!!! #absurd banget... Yang itu silahkan abaikan saja ya permirsahh yang cetar membahana gunung topan angin meletus #eeehhh.... Ya sebetulnya kalimat itu berasal dari Film Lord Of The Rings, sedikit penjelasan film itu tuhh masuk bioskop tahun 2001-2003 karena film itu berjenis trilogy. Lanjutt kemaknanya,,, makna dari kalimat itu menurutku sihh seperti jangan merendahkan dirimu yang sekarang atau pekerjaanmu yang sekarang,, tapi jadilah dirimu yang telah ditakdirkan yaa seperti dirimu sejak kamu lahir... Jadi dari kata-kata ini bisa memotivasi banyak orang termasuk aku juga sihh... trus gak hanya kata-kata itu saja yang bagus,,,, ada kalimat berbunyi seperti ini "you were born to be real not to be perfect", nahh dari kalimat itu tuhh kita bisa mengabungkannya juga dgn kalimat Become .... Cause kepanjangan jd ku kasih titik titik aja ya... Ok deh sekian dari saya vj dj gj yang paling cetarr membahanahhh!!!! goodbey beb beb beb... #gajebo #suheri